HoneyWood Beta Testing Update & Release Notes 17 Apr

We had fixed some important bugs and added cool new features!


- modified secure method of saving protected data in local storage

- added link to honeywood explorer service on main page


⁃ fixed a bug when quitting the Match3

⁃ fixed onboarding errors

⁃ now you can buy Bees directly from the Apiary

⁃ added + button, if Apiary has more than 5 Bees and less than maximum capacity

⁃ fixed a bug while deleting the object

⁃ fixed a layer of inscription ‘Full’ over the Apiary

⁃ added an animation while clicking onto object

⁃ fixed a bug with clickability of objects on the game field after deleting the Apiary via pop-up

⁃ Match3 optimisation

HoneyWood Official
HoneyWood Official

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