HoneyWood: How to Play. Part 2

HoneyWood Official
4 min readApr 22, 2022


Here’s the link to the first part of the article:


In order to fully grasp Farming, one must first understand the world of Honeywood, which exists according to its own rules and laws. In this world, all Players are Bears. Bears love to play games, get honey and do useful things. In order for a player to officially become a new Bear in the game,an item must be purchased from the game store. As it turns out, the living conditions of the Bears are not simple, there are few Trees, and with the advent of new Bears joining the community, there is less Air. As the old adage goes: more people = less oxygen. Bears can only feel the decrease in Air by the amount of Honey their Bees create.

The honey production process (HoneyCoin) is called Farming.

Farming of HoneyCoin by a Bee per hour is calculated by the following formulae:

HP = AP * HS * (1 + (AC -1) * ACD)

HP — Honey Power — Final honey generation

HS — Honey Speed — The speed of honey generation by a Bee

AC — Air Count — The current value of the amount of air

ACD — Air Count Dependency — The dependence of the Bee on the Air

AP — Air Purity — Air Purity Index.

0>ACD<1 Bee less dependent on Air

ACD=1 the Bee is completely dependent on Air

ACD>1 Bee is incredibly dependent on Air and its production is greatly reduced

Farming scale


CF — the sum of the productivity of all the Bears’ Bees in Apiaries.

TF — the sum of the productivity of all available slots in the Apiaries, taking into account the loading of the most productive Bee within. All slots in the Apiaries of the Bears (both occupied and free) are counted and multiplied by the value of the most productive Bee available in the store.

In order to start farming, you need to:

  • Have a free piece of land;
  • Buy and install an apiary on the field;

Apiary — a container for bees (Assets, NFT tokens), located on the playing field. The Bears can buy an Apiary from the game store.

During the purchase, a Bear chooses the location of the Apiary on the playing field. Apiaries are of several types and each type differs in: Bee capacity, Honey storage capacity, and cost. In each Apiary, the Bears can place Bees so that they start mining HoneyCoin. An empty Apiary without any Bees does not generate HoneyCoin.

  • Buy and settle a Bee in the Apiary.

Bee — extracts honey (HoneyCoin,) and in the first version of the game this is a preparation for NFTs, which will be in a future release.

There are 10 bees (tokens), with a fixed cost and a fixed speed of honey generation. Naturally, the faster the Bee operates, the more expensive it will be.

In the next versions of the game, we plan to make additional characteristics for the bees. They will affect the appearance: color, wings, eye shape, to name but a few. Thus, each Bee will be unique.


This is a temporary freeze of CONE coins in order to receive additional HoneyCoin rewards from the system. HoneyCoin is charged as a commission from each user for each game action and the commissions are then distributed among all Stakers in the game.

100% of the commissions that Bears pay for gaming actions are distributed among staking CONE holders.

50% of the commissions from the purchase price of in-game items are also distributed among CONE holders in staking, the remaining 50% are burned.

Switching to the staking screen is carried out from the farming screen by clicking the button with a bump

  • The Bear goes to the staking screen, clicks on the “invest” button
  • A pop-up is displayed where the Bear chooses the amount of CONE they plan to invest in staking.
  • The value of the CONE that they have invested in staking is debited from the Bears.

In the background, in accordance with the number of CONE invested, the Bear is credited with a part of the commissions received in the game.

You can collect HoneyCoin by clicking on the “Collect” button, the reward will be credited to the Bear’s account after 29 days

Review of cones:

  • The Bears can recall the CONE used for staking.
  • To do this, Bears click on the “pick up” button, which shows a notification that it will take 20 days.
  • After 20 days, the withdrawn CONE coins are returned to the Bears.



HoneyWood Official
HoneyWood Official

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